The parquetry is usually carried out in the final stage of finishing works, when all the "dirty" and wet processes completed . By this time, all lastering, painting and glue work must be completed, pressure testing of pipelines must be carried out.
Recommended climatic conditions for the parquet works: the relative humidity is 40-60%, the temperature is 18-23 ° C.
Before starting work, you need to find out whether there are pipes for hot water and heating (in the cement screed) in an underlying cause , as well as get acquainted with the scheme of distributing mains power supply and signaling at the bottom of the floor. At the stage of finishing hardwood floors (lacquers) in the premises forced ventilation must be shut down and measures must be taken to prevent drafts.
Bases must provide the necessary flatness and horizontal surface and meet the requirements of the construction norms and rules SNIP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings", the permissible moisture document VSN 9-94 "Instruction on floor construction in living and public buildings ". And tolerances for the surface of the plane for the base 2 mustn't exceed 2 mm slope to 0.2% from the corresponding size of the room, but not more than 50 mm, and the substrate moisture must not exceed 5% at the beginning of paving.
Among the requirements for screed, except those mentioned, includes the requirement for compressive strength, which, in accordance with SNIP 2.03.13-88 "Floors" is 150 kgf / cm. In practice, the availability of cement-sand screeds of strength is sometimes defined as follows: a sharp tip at the surface under study is drawn from the grid intersection angle of 45 °. The base is considered to be strong enough, if there is no chipping material ties at the intersections of the lines.
Before starting works on the laying of the parquet "pie" of the screed (mastic adhesive application as a waterproofing), the screed surface should be free of traces of oil and dust. The adhesive primer used for coating the surface of the base, has a high penetrating power and should provide good adhesion to the surface and bind the dust residues (after careful vacuuming).
The traditional for XVIII, XIX and early XX centuries and sufficiently prevalent now is the planarizing technique of the base surface using the lag and the "black" floor. Lags in the form of beams or planks are fastened to the foundation, and the "black" floor from boards or plywood laid on the top of them. To ensure the bending strength of the floor under ordinary indoor loads ratio of the distance between the centers of lags to the total thickness of the horizontal part of the floor (including the thickness of tiling "black" parquet floor and around the "pie") should not exceed 10. The assurance of horizontal surface is achieved if you whittle lags and by fastening of the special wedges, as well as the grinding surface of the "black" floor.
The "black" floor material should be well dried (the humidity is not more than 12%). Boards and beams are usually impregnated with antiseptic, and for some cases of use and pirophobic compositions.
In the last few years, the leveling foundations technology under the parquet floors with the adjustable lags has spread widely. As compared to the traditional technology of fastening wooden lags to the base with nails or screws and the assurance of levelness "black" floor with wooden wedges installed on them, this method involves the installation of a certain lags step with the plastic bolt-resistant screwed into them. The lag system is aligned to the level by turning the bolt-rack around their axis by means of a special key. After the alignment lags rigidly attached to the base through the bolt-resistant metal dowel-nails in the pre-drilled holes, and extending over the plastic rack is cut. Then the plywood with a total thickness of less than 20 mm is attached to logs.
This method of alignment as compared to the cement screed eliminates wet and dirty processes and the long process of drying screeds and after 1-2 days you may lay the necessary flooring. It provides an opportunity to improve the thermal and acoustic insulation of floors, having laid between joists special materials, as well as to lay any kind of communication under the floor. The method of laying on adjustable lags may be indispensable for parquet floors, under which the heat sources are placed (for example, the horizontal layout heating pipes), or there are deep emptiness of the old, floor joists to be replaced by, for example, as you can see in some types of "Stalin" houses.